Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Alkaline Diet and Cancer - Cancer Cells Cannot Live In An Alkaline Environment

Ever wondered why the heart never gets a cancer. The heart might get affected eventually by cancer of any other part of the body but we never hear of cancer of the heart. This is because the heart never gets cancer. Alkaline diet is perhaps the only permanent way to prevent and rid oneself of cancer.

Alkaline Diet

Let us understand what causes cancer and how an alkaline diet can prevent it. Each cell in our body takes in oxygen, nutrients and glucose while throws out toxins. These cells are protected by the immune system. But as the body gets acidic the immune system gets overpowered by the toxins and the cell looses its capacity to take in oxygen and thus ferments. This cell gets cancer affected and is lost. The next question is can cancer be prevented and cured by consuming a diet with less acid and more alkaline. Cancer cells lie dormant in a ph of 7.4 but as the body gets alkalized higher and the ph level reaches 8.4 these malignant cells die off. So the answer to cancer lies in an extremely alkaline diet. With the right consumption leading to a high alkaline body ph the cancer cells cannot live in that environment and die off.

Cancer cells being anaerobic cannot live in oxygen. They can only thrive in very low oxygen conditions. When the ph of the body is maintained by consuming an alkaline diet the immune system of the body stays strong. This leads to the cells getting enough oxygen and discarding their toxin waste. Cancer will neither thrive nor take birth under such circumstances.

How does an alkaline diet prevent cancer? Such a diet leads to a high alkaline body ph. This high alkaline body ph results in alkaline tissues in the body. Alkaline tissues hold 20 times more oxygen than acidic tissues. Cancer cannot live in an oxygenated atmosphere. If the cells are oxygen rich they will prevent cancer. Therefore while an acidic tissue will be an ideal ground for cancer to develop as well as spread, an alkaline tissue will destroy a cancer cell. Having a lot of green vegetables and fruits along with alkaline water can save you from cancer. To give your body the best alkaline/acidic balance requires one to eat foods that are highly alkalizing while avoiding the acidifying foods.

An alkaline diet is very beneficial in fighting many diseases apart from cancer. Alkaline supplements are good ways to include alkaline food in your diet. Over cooking of vegetables leads to their nutrients being destroyed. Alkaline supplements make sure one gets enough alkalizing foods in a day. Also alkaline water is a good alternative to ordinary water. So if you want your body to be cancer free as well as healthy and energetic adopt an alkaline diet and make it your way of life.

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  1. This is absolutely ridiculous. Your body is a brilliant machine designed to maintain a normal.pH and homeostasis which is a pH of 7.35 to 7.45. You cannot make your body's pH go outside of that with your diet, and if your ph is outside of that range, something is wrong with your organs. You are preying on people's ignorance and selling them false hope and bs. Alkaline diet is total bs

    1. Buy litmus paper and test your mouth consistently. Your body fluctuates.

    2. Buy litmus paper and test your mouth consistently. Your body fluctuates.

    3. Its not actually bs.
      Yes the human body is a brilliant machine. But in todays world not all human bodies are running as effectively as others.
      You kind of bebunked your own argument by stating
      "unless there is something wrong with your organs". That is what ultimately causes peoples bodies to be in more of the acidic side of the PH scale than not. I'm going to loosely give a number that over 70% (it's probably more) of digestive problems in humans are caused by acidity in the gut over long periods of time. Ulcers, GERD, Heartburn, indigestion. Now obviously there is always acid in your stomach as that's what breaks down food. It when there is a constant consumption of acidic foods, such as coffee, chocolate, tomatoes, onions, soda, fried food, alcohol etc. this will lead to that acid rotting your gut of its good bacteria, causing damage to the lining of your gut which prevents the acid from damaging your insides.
      You do need to eat alkaline foods to balance this out.
      Eating more of alkaline based diet is a lot more beneficial than eating a more acidic diet.

      I don't see how this article is preying on peoples ignorance and selling them false hopes, it is promoting a healthy.

      This might have zero relevance to you and your body, but for some people this article is hugely important and beneficial.

  2. Amen! These diet FADS are preying on people who might really have a legitimate health issue. Always seek medical advise before trying ANY of these ridiculous claims!

  3. Amen! These diet FADS are preying on people who might really have a legitimate health issue. Always seek medical advise before trying ANY of these ridiculous claims!

  4. The doctor who discovered the cancer cell made this very same statement. You keep up with your ACS propaganda. And it's "advice", not "advice". Some people.

  5. The pH of you blood is tightly regulated between 7.35 and 7.45 as stated above. If it goes out of this range by more than about .6, you will die. The pH of you saliva and urine can fluctuate. Saliva may become more acidic with salivation in anticipation of eating. Your urine can change pH to help ensure your blood pH stays appropriately regulated.

  6. Its impossible to make the blood more alkaline as most have alluded to hear...the bodys mainrauns rhe ph range.if it were possible than yes drinking alkaline water would matter,but in the real world thats for the charlatans to sell.

  7. Its impossible to make the blood more alkaline as most have alluded to hear...the bodys mainrauns rhe ph range.if it were possible than yes drinking alkaline water would matter,but in the real world thats for the charlatans to sell.
